Monday, March 25, 2013

Monday, March 25, 2013 Marion, Ohio

Ok so first off, I'll just talk about my last cool moments in the MTC. I loved my district. The Danish and Iclandic sisters and elders were amazing! I am so glad I'll be serving with them. Also, this coming General Conference, you all should totally watch the little video thing called "like 10,000 legions marching" that is about missionary work because I was singing in that choir and the camera was pointed at me and you might see me! I was wearing a white cardigan and blue blouse. Then again, they could've cut me out too. But either way, I was there and I was singing in it! It was cool, oh and Mickayeen is singing in it too. It will be on Saturday in between Sessions, it's one of those fun little things they do in between sessions.

Alright, now to the really good and awesome stuff. So I am in Ohio and burrrrrrrrr is it FREEZING! I mean, I am used to the cold, but I'm used to a dry cold, not this wet cold that seeps in and freezes your bones. But it's ok, I laugh when the wind picks up and it gets really cold cause it's so classic typical missionary to be tracting in the cold and wet and snow and I love it. I'm in an area called Marion. It's half ghetto, half country and everyone is pretty below average income level so that's been humbling to see. There are some places that really are ghetto. Lots of drugs and a lot of violence and gang activity here. I see gangsters and drug deals more here than I have ever seen before in my life (not surprising cause I never got out much before my mission).

I am full of what is called 'green rage' and that is what is used to describe a Greenie who wants to talk to everyone and give away tons of copies of the Book of Mormon. So my dream of becoming Elder Calhoun (from the best two years) is coming true. Bless my trainer's heart for putting up with my green rage and not suppressing it like sometimes happens. I actually want to have green rage my entire mission! haha. My trainer is named Sister Shelley. She's from Salt Lake and she's only been out 12 weeks but she is super smart and clever and nice so she's a great trainer.

So I want to explain why I have so much green rage, haha. So when I got to the airport, I was with a group of about 20 missionaries going to the Columbus Ohio mission and they all knew each other cause they went through the MTC together and I didn't know any of them so instead of hanging out and chatting with them, I went to work and started to preach the Gospel. I talked to a lot of people and gave out cards but one lady I will always remember. Her name is Sherrie. She was eating a sandwich when I caught her eye and I sat down and started talking to her and she was amazing. She told me all about Christ and God in her life and the miracles she's experienced. She had been in a terrible car accident and she told me about this couple who saved her and her husband and how they were angels to her. She also talked about pray and being prompted by God to do things and how she's learned how to be obedient to those promptings and then she told me "When we locked eyes, God told me 'she is the person you need to talk to'. She is going to help you find a way closer to me." My jaw just about hit the floor. I was speechless. She was so prepared by the Lord and I gave her a copy of the Book of Mormon and I am giving her information to the missionaries in North Carolina so they can get in touch with her. She gave me her card so I could email her. Ya, so that's why I want to work hard and talk to everyone because the field truly is white and it's just up to us how much we harvest.

Pretty much every day, the Lord let's us find someone who is interested in the Gospel. Every time we get a little discouraged or disheartened, we find someone who says stuff like "oh I love reading new religious books" or "Yeah, I'd love to hear more about your message." and it just is God giving us little blessings for working hard and having faith. Today, I'll be teaching my first lesson to a lady we tracted into yesterday. So hopefully that goes well, her name is Jackie and she accepted us and what we had to say but we only talked for like 5 minutes so hopefully we'll be able to get through the Restoration with here.

We have this family here that is part member. The wife and mother is a member but her husband and son aren't. But they are getting baptized April 6th! in between sessions. Joe and Brandon (the father and son) are so faithful and excited and ready for baptism. I really hope I am here for that because they are wonderful and I'd love to see them make that sacred and important covenant between God.

There is also another family we are teaching. Brian and Ari (Ari has 4 daughters and was a member, she was ex-communicated some number of years ago) are not married but they have heard all the lessons and want to have deep doctrines like "who are the giants and fallen angels talked about in Genesis?" and "why can't women have the priesthood?" (that's Ari's big one that I don't know if she can get over or not) but they are awesome and nice. I think next time I'll use a lesson I learned from President Hinckley where he was talking to a young man who was going to go back to his home country and be persecuted for becoming a member of the church and the prophet asked him if we was worried or scared or what he was going to do and the young man turned to him with tears in his eyes and asked "It's true isn't it?" President Hinckley answered "Yes, it is." The young responded "Then what else matters?" This Gospel is true and nothing else matters. It is not given to us to know everything, especially if we can't handle or live the simple doctrine God has given us.

So I've also already had an experience of the Spirit being a voice of warning. we were knocking doors in this condo area and the first door we knocked on this young man answered and he was a little odd looking and very twitchy and nervous but I just thought I was being judgmental so we talked for a bit but he wasn't interested so we went up the stairs and knocked on this door. The TV inside was too loud so the person didn't hear us knocking but we heard the young man's door open and close really quick. And as soon as I heard that my heart started racing. I just pushed that aside and told myself "oh I'm just nervous to be knocking on this person's door cause they'll be annoyed with us interrupting their show." but then Sister Shelley turned to me and ask "how do you feel right now?" and I said "not good, kinda nervous." and she said "yeah, we need to leave right now." So we high tailed it out of there. I am so grateful we were both in tune with the Spirit and that she was able to recognize and act on it. I'm glad the Lord protects His missionaries.

So that's all I can write right now. I'll keep you all updated on the visa situation. But in the mean time, I am so excited to be in Marion Ohio, I know that I have a work to do here, even if it's just for a short time. I'm excited to be a missionary! Life is hard, busy, tiring but so wonderful and so worth it! Thank you for your prayers! thank you for your sacrifices! and thank you for your testimonies! I pray for you daily!!

Much love,
Sister Diana Briscoe

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